Chromoly Gear Legs

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  • Regular price $3,400.00

With the debut of Acme's advanced shocks, there's a growing demand for sturdier gear legs capable of handling heavier loads. Conventional gear legs were not designed to endure the strain imposed by modern suspensions. Recognizing this gap, Acme has elevated aircraft suspension technology by reinforcing gear legs, providing a superior solution to the market. Acme's chromoly gear legs stand as TacAero's preferred choice for handling the repeated abuse of flight training. We trust them implicitly and operate them on our entire fleet of Carbon Cubs.

Gear Legs features:

  • Gear Sweep: Standard, and 3″
  • Middle step options
  • Brake line tab options
  • Billet attachment points
  • Chromoly available in Standard, 3″, 6″, and 9″ lengths
  • Total weight 29.4 lbs for 3×3